Our skin is a complicated network of multiple layers. As our body’s largest organ, the skin warrants thoughtful care. And that means paying attention to its primary support structure: collagen.
At Revive Medical Aesthetics in Longview, Washington, nurse practitioner Dawn Woods and our dedicated team offer a broad range of collagen-supporting — and even collagen-inducing — treatments, from collagen-focused facials to laser therapy. Why are we so focused on collagen? Because it’s the key to youthful-looking skin.
Let’s take some time to learn more about collagen and why it matters for your cosmetic goals.
Collagen 101
You can find collagen throughout your body. It’s in your bones, blood vessels, muscles, tendons, and — you guessed it — your skin. In fact, collagen is the most plentiful protein in the human body.
Collagen acts as your body’s support structure, holding things together. Some medical professionals refer to it as the scaffolding for your skin or your body’s glue.
There are 16 different types of collagen. Here at Revive Medical Aesthetics, we’re focused on type 1 collagen, which supports your skin and consists of closely woven fibers.
When you’re young, your body naturally produces plenty of collagen. That’s why young skin is so quick to snap back, defying wrinkles and gravity’s effects. Once you turn 20, though, your body starts a slow decline of collagen production, producing about 1% less each year.
This doesn’t immediately take a toll, but after a while you start to observe the effects. The skin gets thinner and more easily damaged, and fine lines develop. At that point, it’s easy to feel like you’re fighting a losing battle from then on.
Fortunately, you’re not stuck with diminishing collagen levels. We offer a broad variety of treatments that can help you support collagen production in your skin and protect the collagen you already have, helping you maintain youthful-looking skin through the years.
Your collagen treatment options
To look your best, you want to support the collagen that supports your skin. That’s precisely why we offer a number of treatments that specifically target your collagen:
- Collagen-induction facial, a stem cell treatment to help your skin make more collagen
- Microneedling to trigger collagen production through your skin’s healing processes
- Sculptra®, a dermal filler that stimulates collagen production while adding volume
Some other collagen-stimulating treatments we offer include:
- Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy
- Laser skin resurfacing
- Laser Genesis skin therapy
- Titan™ laser skin tightening
In other words, we have a variety of options to help you keep your collagen intact through the years — and keep your skin looking young.
To find out which treatment(s) we recommend for your specific skin, call us or email our spa at frontdesk.revivewellness@gmail.com to set up an appointment today.