When the formula is right for your skin type, a facial can soothe dryness, unclog pores, and clear away surface debris that make your skin look tired and dull.
Use the wrong type of facial, however, and your skin can become painfully irritated, red, and dry or respond with an acne outbreak that leaves you frustrated and hiding at home.
At Revive Medical Aesthetics in Longview, Washington, our skincare professionals often recommend you consider adding facials to your regimen. To help ensure you get the desired results each is customized to fit your skin type.
HydraFacial® is often our choice for sensitive skin, or any other facial skin type, for many reasons. Read on to learn more.
What is HydraFacial?
HydraFacial is a treatment that gently removes dirt, bacteria, and dead skin cells from the skin on your face. During the treatment, your Revive Medical Aesthetics provider uses a uniquely designed handpiece that infuses your skin with nourishing serums and moisturizers as it clears away surface debris.
The serums and moisturizers used during a HydraFacial are tailored to fit your skin type and needs. Even sensitive skin that’s easily irritated typically responds well to a HydraFacial treatment.
A session lasts about 30 minutes and most of our clients find the treatments very relaxing. HydraFacial is gentle enough to repeat monthly.
How do I know HydraFacial is right for me?
At Revive Medical Aesthetics, we greatly value the reputation we’ve earned for delivering quality skin care services to the Longview community. It’s been our experience that HydraFacial typically provides outstanding results for all skin types.
Our experts do take time, however, to perform a thorough skin evaluation and discuss your expectations and goals before designing your regimen. This gives you additional insight into HydraFacial and how it can benefit your skin.
What are the benefits of HydraFacial?
A HydraFacial treatment provides a deep but gentle cleansing as it replenishes the nutrients and moisture your skin loses daily.
This multifaceted approach to facial skincare offers many benefits, including:
- Visible reduction in fine lines and wrinkles
- Improved skin tone
- Decreased dryness and flaking
- Smaller pore size
- A brighter, healthier appearing complexion with a more youthful appeal
- Reduction in surface oils that can clog pores
You can expect results to see results instantly after one session and to see continued improvement when you include HydraFacial in your regular routine.
For more information about HydraFacial and other skincare services offered at Revive Medical Aesthetics, give the office a call at 360-425-7712 or contact our office online.